This set got tweeted a couple of days before Supernatural filmed there, a restaurant and alley in New Westminster. I couldn't go early because I was at work but by the time I arrived in the late afternoon around dark there was a pretty good crowd standing across the street when I drove by to park my car.
I dropped my car and walked back to see that in the few minutes I was gone the crowd had dissipated quite quickly. Talking with those around they had just broken for dinner. Fine. I decided to just stick around since I had just gotten there anyway. We saw a little bit of movement from the crew but generally a whole lot of not much going on.
As the crewbies seemed to be getting close to filming again all of a sudden a blue Camaro pulled into the alley where they were going to be filming later. I was a little surprised to see this as the alley was blocked and it would take a real jerk to try and drive through it with the PA's and other crew members standing there. However, the car didn't try to drive down, instead stopping partly on the sidewalk. I noticed it had Washington State plates and then the door opened and Misha hopped out of it. There seemed to be quite a bit of laughing going on and a crew member got in it and drove away leaving Misha there. Soon Jensen and Jared appeared and they set up for a shot around Baby outside of the diner. I'd never seen an actor drive themselves to set before. Cars at circus yes, but that was just strange. I kind of smelled some kind of practical joke on Misha.
This certainly wasn't a quiet residential street and although they were always safe, the regular traffic was cruising by the boys as darkness fell. Everyone seemed to be having a good time and the scene looked like Sam, Dean and Cas talking around the Impala. I only took a few photos as we were directly across the street and there weren't a whole lot of fans around so it felt kind of awkward.
Since they were close to traffic they were also subject to sound of people's vehicles as they were rolling. At one point this jackass in a over-large, over-loud truck went snarling by. It sure sounded like the driver stepped on the gas as he went by the set just to cause an interruption. As soon as Jensen realized it he yelled after him "YEAH! FLOOR IT!" and everyone laughed.
Once they finished that scene they moved behind the restaurant down the alley. We could still see the boys and Misha when he started the scene. The set up for this scene involved a 'leaf man' that came and strew leaves around the alley. It reminded me strongly of the Leaf Lady from Once Upon A Time who has an international following.
The first angle they had J2 coming up the alley and stopping at the corner of the building. They drew their guns and threatened to shoot someone before a bright light occurred which we assumed was an angel being killed. Soon they'd moved to another angle and a white Mustang was brought into play. We also noticed another actor was in this scene as well. I was convinced it was a British Men of Letters guy because I was sure I'd seen the actor before. As it turns out I was recognizing him from another show: Flashpoint. In any event, he went around the corner first. We also saw an actress hanging around and a friend of mine swore she saw two of them dressed the same. It was a little hard to tell with the fog and dark but now as the show has aired she was totally right.
The Mustang became quite the part of the scene as the job of it was to go racing by behind the boys right after (we thought) the angel is killed. Originally we thought the the boys seemed puzzled and surprised by it and a little resigned. It was later in the evening now so they stopped traffic on the street and allowed the car to run across the street and down the alley across, near where we were at a pretty high speed. On the first take the woman driving floored it a wee bit hard and really smacked the bottom of the car on the curb up the sidewalk next to us. The next takes were less fast, even though it still seemed pretty quick to me. I had a friend take a video of one take on my phone from where we were standing and it turned out AWESOME!
On different takes an angles between set ups we noticed a few things.
- While they were outside the diner the few photos I took that were actually clear Misha and J2 all seemed to be trying to get something out of their teeth. I got one where they are all doing it at the same time. What the hell did they serve for dinner?
- Also when they were outside the diner, Misha and Jared seemed to be having a goofy chat and Misha was being particularly cute, kicking the ground and leaning on things with his hands in his pockets.
- There was a girl who I always see on set, I think she's props, carrying around a basket of angel blades when they were behind the diner. So cool. If she had come close enough I wanted to see if I could get her to come over to us. I'd love to see one up close.
- Jared and Jensen were quite chatty with the crew and particularly the other actor in the scene behind the diner. They seemed to be really having a good time with him. They stuck around between takes and set ups instead of spending time in their trailers like they tend to do.
- Jared at one point sat on an upturned box between takes. I don't know where it came from but it looked kind of funny for him to sit on something so low. Also, I totally think this is the box they make people stand on for scenes with him.
- We saw the Green Machine get pulled out. The driver of the truck/trailer (and I'm pretty sure one of the guys that works it) had a heck of a time making the corner to get out onto the road with all the parked cars there. As he rolled down the window to check his angles and once he was out of the jam, I had a chance to say thanks to him at least.
- Also, Jared at one point reached back and like, I don't want to say grabbed his own ass but like, put a hand on it. I turned to my friends and asked 'Is he checking to see if it's still there?' haha.
- Jared and Jensen were doing a good job of making Misha laugh. I don't even know what the deal was but I caught a photo of Jared staring at him all flat-faced. And then they all laughed.
- I was thinking Misha had wrapped but apparently it was when the boys wrapped that there were a round of hugs, Misha went and hugged both of the boys. I was, TBH, a little worried at that point. But I guess it was just for the weekend? We were all too 'awww' to take any photos.
It was getting quite late (well after midnight) and the few fans that had re-appeared after dinner had mostly taken off. We were no longer in danger of being in the shot and the road had cleared off. Some of us sat down on the curb and just enjoyed watching them make our favourite show.
Late, late, between 3 and 4am when there were only about 5 of us there Misha started walking up the alley towards us but this time he didn't stop, crossed the street and came over to us. He asked as he hit the center of the road, "Why are you guys torturing yourselves?". Middle of the night, Vancouver winter in the cold... but totally worth it I thought. I didn't even get up from the curb as he came over and stopped in front of us sitting there. We answered that we just enjoy watching them work. No one seemed to really jump in and so I ended up kind of leading the conversation. I asked him what was with the car meaning like, why was he driving himself to set. I wasn't very specific I think just asking "What's with the car?" as opposed to "Why are you driving yourself to set?" He launched into an explanation that he was driving a rental and he hated it. To use his words, he felt like a douche driving it. His car was in the shop because it was rear ended. I asked if everyone was okay and he said it was parked at the time. Still didn't really answer why he was driving himself to set but he finished up chatting about that and made a little more small talk before heading down the alley on our side of the road, away from set.
Once he was out of earshot I said to the others 'So no one wanted anything? Photos or ...' and the people around me ERUPTED saying "YES BUT WE WERE TOO SHY TO ASK!" I laughed and offered semi-grudgingly to "be the dick" and ask him on his way back by if he would be so kind as to stop. I was carrying an 8x10 of a photo I had taken of him in the last year when he came out behind us on set downtown and I only had my 55-250 lens on my SLR so I snapped a super close photo of him laughing. I'd been wanting him to sign it for a while but hadn't really had a chance on set.
I pulled myself up off the cold curb and went over to the edge of the building and the alley. I took a peek down it and saw Misha on the phone and the PA that had been with us. I stepped back and waited for him to finish and work his way back toward set. Sure enough within a few minutes he re-emerged. Quickly I asked him, "Hey Misha, so these guys really wanted to get photos and stuff with you but were too shy to ask. I told them I'd be the dick and ask you." He smiled and said he had to go back to set but he'd come back over when he could. I thanked him and he kept going.
I went back to the group and told them what he said (they were within earshot mostly anyway) and thought to myself that I didn't actually expect him to come back. That's usually the thing to say when they don't really intend on coming back. And that's not a complaint, it's just the way it is. They're at work and don't have to spare any time for fans. He had already come over once so I completely didn't expect him to return.
That said, I also had hope. It's Misha. I took a second to run up the block to my car and grab my Cas Funko that sits on my dashboard to see if he'd maybe sign it too. I brought it back down and people were pulling out things to see if they could find anything for him to sign for them. Another person wasn't really into getting anything signed of theirs and I already felt like an ass for asking him to stop so I asked if anyone would be cool getting my Cas signed for me. I had a couple of volunteers and I handed it off to one of them with my sharpie.
After they completed the scene and were changing the set up again, sure enough, to my somewhat surprise, Misha came sauntering back across the street. He greeted everyone with a smile and we got right to it. I was snapping photos for everyone as they lined up for pictures with him. I asked him to sign my photo and he obliged without comment or looking too closely at it. He also signed my Funko for the girl that had it. He completed working through everyone and asked if everyone was happy before heading back to the filming side of the street. In retrospect and when I was looking at the photos, he looked really, really good that night and I wish that I had jumped in for a photo too. I know I have a couple with him already (2 from set and one from Gishwhes) but I'm not usually one to miss an opportunity. I just felt bad for getting him to come over again.
We stuck around until they wrapped the scene with Misha. Just another few minutes. As he got in his transpo on our side of the alley he wished us a good night and was off. As we left my friend said to me, 'Your lips are blue'... maybe it was a little cold to be out there that long. But it was a great night for filming.
As a final note, in the scene where the car drives by the boys you can see a Donair place under a white awning. If you're ever in the are, go patronize that business. They were super awesome to the fans that night and even allowed some people to use their washroom. It's called Paradise Donair at 12th St. and Kingston in New Westminster.

Thank you for the write up, and sharing the details about the Donair place! Next time my hubby and I are in New West, I know where we'll be grabbing our meal!!
ReplyDeleteAwesome. Tell them the Supernatural fans sent ya! :)