My friends headed downtown first as I was a little slow getting out of the house. They found what appeared to be extras at the first location, a scene with people walking but focused on one woman. Days later it was revealed that the woman carried the Mark of Cain, which Dean rid himself of at the end of Season 10 of the show, releasing the ominous 'Darkness' onto the world. I'm hoping that they don't wrap that whole thing up by episode 6 but if she has the Mark of Cain, I would think it must be minimized.
In any event, I missed that portion of the day as I arrived downtown not long after Misha Collins started filming a scene that seemed to take place outside of a news station. Castiel approaches a woman reporter and appears to ask her for something. It looks like he doesn't get what he wants originally but then has 2nd thoughts and returns to her and finishes the conversation.
Once I met with my friends, we were across the street from the set which was actually on the grounds of the Delta Hotel. Within 5 minutes of my arrival, across the street through a bus that was stopped at the traffic light, we could see Misha walk over to the fans that were there. He hugged the first two he encountered and I thought maybe he knew them, but I believe they were actually fans. We stood around talking about it for a couple of minutes before we decided that we should cross to that side of the road. Heading down to the corner and then back up the road we only saw Misha from a distance before he headed back to set. We watched them film the scene from the high angle and then set up close up over Misha's shoulder. In between takes we could see Misha at a distance with a behind the scenes worker on the show practicing fake punching. Interesting. I doubt he is going to be hitting the reporter. I was trying to figure out if he was just goofing around or practicing for later. Anyway, they set up the scene to turn it around and Misha wandered back over to us. There were about 25 fans on the sidewalk plus another 20 across the street and another couple in the parkade next to them getting a high up vantage point.
Misha smiled and worked his way through the rather patient crowd as random, confused people walked by on the sidewalk. He got close to where my friends and I were standing. This time I had brought my last Funko Pop figure to get signed to make a collection, my Castiel. I took the French Mistake one because I quite like it, even though I had gotten the others (Mark Sheppard, Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles) to sign the 'regular' ones. My friend took the chance to get a hug from Misha and my friend from England took a pass and didn't really want anything.
Misha looked over them at me and said a "Hi!" with a smile in a way that made me think he might have recognized me. He initiated the conversation. I am generally prepared for a lot of things, but this? This was a shock. I mean, granted, I've been to a couple of sets. I watched a few times from a distance before I watched the show but never got close enough to see him. Wouldn't have even known. I went in February to the Portal Park with my friend (also before I watched the show) and we walked within feet of him that day but didn't even acknowledge him because he was between takes and busy. That same night we saw him from a distance and waved, but didn't talk to him. Then I saw him at Vancouver Community College. At that time there were only 3 of us, so I'll count that as the first time because I actually talked to him. Then I went to the first set of the year downtown. There I had quite an experience with him as I had him sign my photo from VCC and then took a photo for a friend, which I messed up, it was fuzzy and awful. So I explained to him that I screwed it up and had to take another one. As he didn't seem rushed, I took the opportunity to take another photo with him then as well and this, a personal favourite of mine, is him pretending to punch me in the chin as I was the bumbling fool that had messed up the first photo. It's also fuzzy and I was pretty upset when I looked at it because it would have been a really great shot. But that's okay. So that's twice.
I had another close encounter with him that didn't involve any interaction when I stood in line with my friend for the autograph op at VanCon. She was in the last group called and we'd already waited for a long time. We were moved into another room while the band did sound check (actually they were rehearsing Simple Man I realized later) and I wanted to stay with her so I went with her and waited. I stayed with her until we got right up to Misha but as the person in front of her exited, I just stepped off to the side sort of behind Misha while she got her time with him. I didn't acknowledge him at all, but I am pretty not-subtle. There just aren't that many 6'2", overweight women walking around. I guess it depends what his memory is like.
In any event, I didn't have a reaction to his possibly familiar "Hi!" other than to ask him to sign the Funko. I just wasn't expecting to see him so soon so I hadn't really given any thought to what I would want to say. I thanked him as he handed it back to me and as much as I really kind of wanted a 2nd chance at taking a 2nd photo with him there were lots of people in town for VanCon from many miles away. I know his time is limited on a set and I'm a local. There's a lot of people there that could never have the chance to see him on set again. I'm local, I can go whenever. So I ratcheted up my self control and let the others have a chance. He was very patient and friendly, not in a hurry and taking smiley and goofy photos with everyone that asked. He even signed a Canada flag for a pair or girls that were visiting the country (which seemed odd only because he's not Canadian, I'm not convinced he even lives in this country when he's not actively filming - I think he spends weekends and days he's not called to set in Bellingham but I don't have any concrete evidence of that or anything, just what I've seen here and there).
He finished with us and headed back to set. Once he set himself back up for his mark he kept acknowledging the fans with a glance or a smile or a tongue sticking out. Which was hilarious. This time the camera was on him and he delivered his lines just a few times before they were finished. In between one time he went in to the building right in front of us that was posing as the news building. I was wondering if maybe they were moving inside there but he came back out quickly and finished the takes. I noticed a good deal of recognizable crew members around including Russ the locations guy who came to chat with fans. He didn't come down as far as us but yelled down that he saw us there and then accused us of going to every location to some other fans (with a smile, but still). Hey now, Russ. Pump the brakes. I'm fully, admittedly a set-stalker. But I felt I've shown a good amount of self-control when going to sets. I've had quite a few opportunities to go and have chosen not to either because I have stuff to do or I felt like it was too intrusive/they were in place where they didn't want to be found/I just didn't feel like it/there was another set I'd like to go to that night. Ouch, man, ouch. Anyway, I also notice Lou the stunt guy who set up a little impromptu chair right in front of us on some stunt mats. I didn't think there was a stunt in this scene but you never know I guess.
As the fans watched they finished at this location and Misha headed out into the front seat of a regular, white, 15 passenger van that they use to transport the crew and 'extra' cast. He had the window rolled down and was thanking the fans as he waited for the others to pile in so they could head back to circus. I made sure to thank him loudly as well while he waved. By this time I was desperately needing a coffee and I had friends in the Starbucks across the street. They had wrapped this part of the day and so there was going to be a break to set up in the alley they were moving to. As the van drove away I was going to start walking down the (short) street to the light to cross to go to Starbucks. However, the van with Misha in it had just missed the traffic light. I took a few steps but then waited. My awkward sensors were flashing. I waited 2 cars back while the light changed and the van left so I wouldn't have to walk right past the window where he sat and across in front of the van.
I met back up with my friends at Starbucks and we went for dinner at the mall close by knowing it would be a while before anything could be seen at the next location. By the time we were finished and we felt that they would be ready it was dark outside and we headed to the alley they were going to be in. We found it all dressed up for Supernatural with a glowing cross hanging from the wall labelled First Street Mission. Cool. We were on the far side from the filming and they hadn't started yet so we decided to walk around the block and see if there might be a better vantage point from the other end of the alley. On arrival we found a decked out cop car labeled 'Omaha Metro Police' and two actors dressed in police uniforms for their ride to be ready. The car guy from the show jumped out and turned it over to them. It was odd for me to not see him behind the wheel of the Impala. We only hung out there for a few minutes before we were told that we wouldn't be able to see anything from this side as they were filming this direction. We were fine with that and headed back around the block to where we came from, finding a rather large group of fans hanging out watching. We had a super friendly PA Laura with us and she was keeping us all entertained as well as the filming being super interesting. We could see a guy on the group and in my photos I saw that he was bloodied. We saw a guy with the GIANT clap board and the camera above, I'm guessing to establish the shot in the alley with the 'dead' body. As I was snapping photos though, I saw a familiar shape other than Misha. I spied with my camera Metatron walking around back there. At first we couldn't see exactly what he was doing as part of the scene because of the way they were set up but as the night wore on we could tell what the sequence of events was going to be.
Initially we saw Metatron bending over the body and searching him for ... something. Eventually he pulled out his wallet and went through it, taking the cash. I guess even the scribe of god needs to buy a burger now and then. Before he finishes Castiel arrives and speaks harshly to Metatron. They seem to have an argument over or next to the body. Awesomely, we could see the monitors and it was so cool to see the crew watch the framing and actual shooting of the shot.
During the conversation, Castiel punches Metatron, answering the question I had earlier about if Misha had been practicing or goofing around at the other location. It didn't look like much of a fight, but Castiel is obviously pissed off about whatever Metatron was up to. I hope that Misha Collins never looks at me the way Castiel looks at Metatron in this scene. It wasn't the sulking angry that Cas had when Dean wanted to sacrifice himself at the end of Season 5. This is piercing, directed, pissed off, angel anger. I don't like it. But I do like it directed at Metatron. Anyway, after their little fight, they see cops come around the corner into the alley and Cas grabs Metatron, pulling him out of the sight of the cops.
They ran the take a few times from a few different angles and I noticed that the actor that had been 'dead' was sitting up. We couldn't see how he got that way but we enjoyed watching them do the take of Cas punching Metatron a few times and the cops coming around the corner.
During this time as well the group of fans (maybe about 50) had the pleasure of visits from a few people involved with the show. Adam W (VFX) kept coming out to chat. He said his take wasn't for a while yet so he had time to kill. He's always great to chat with and I love that he never gives out any info. There were also a few different PA's as well as Laura plus Russ coming over to see us a couple of times to give the PA's a (good humored) bad time. Even the police officers were getting in on the fun. The workers on the set were getting the fans involved by having us do things like call people by names they didn't want to be called, poking fun and just helping them goof around. Part of being on set is, of course, being quiet when we are supposed to be. Being downtown, however, poses all kinds of different problems. People walking by, buses, emergency vehicles. There's all kinds of way for takes to get ruined. The PA's call loud and clear when the cameras start "Rolling" or, depending on the PA and the environment "Rolling, quiet please." They also tell us when they've cut so we can be loud again. One time during the evening Laura cued the group up to echo her the next time they were rolling. She wanted us to call 'Rolling, quiet please' after she called rolling. Our big moment happened, she called rolling and we did our job, answering "Rolling, quiet please." The hilarious part was that Misha was set up to deliver his lines and when he heard the crowd he lost it laughing, so then we were laughing. So it wasn't quiet. But it was freaking hilarious.
Sometimes the crew need an extra reminder so the #SPNFamily stepped up and helped me out #RollingQuietPlease pic.twitter.com/DIs1EYRACD
— Laura (@actually_laura) September 5, 2015
This ended up getting even more crew members coming over and checking out the 'helpful' crowd. Soon, Adam came back over and was chatting. We got to talking about social media and he said, "Hey, I should Periscope this." I was watching on my right as Adam pulled up Periscope on his phone and started to broadcast but seconds later I heard over my left shoulder, 'Hey, what's everyone looking at?' I knew that voice, and I knew it well. Misha! He had snuck around the block between takes and come up behind the horde of fans staring down the alley at him. Adam had Periscope running so whoever was watching got quite the show. He kind of stood in the group for a second and we got to talking about VanCon, (Which had ended the previous Sunday) he asked who was there. One of the girls mentioned she had dressed up as Cas and he remembered the long sword she carried. He jumped up and down a little to try and see the back of the group as people started taking photos and videos. I had my SLR in my hand but only had the super long lens because I had been taking photos down the alley. I didn't have time to change it so I just leaned back as far as I could, zoomed out and hoped the photo I took wouldn't be up his nose. I was rewarded I realized later with a crystal clear, up close photo of Misha, his blue eyes shining almost purple in the light of the alley and downtown. One of my favrouite photos I've ever taken. Misha got word from the set side of the barricade that someone was going to come and get him if he didn't get back there right now. He asked "Who's' going to come take me?" and heard the answer "Lee." Whoever Lee is they must be imposing because he high-tailed it saying, "I have to go back to work now." The crowd 'aww-ed' and he said with sarcasm, "I know, it's so disappointing." Some fan yelled, "You better come back" (of which I didn't approve. Like, really? He already came out and said hi.) and he crossed back through the barricade and jogged down the alley to get back to work.
We continued to watch them do the same scene from different angles while the crew kept us entertained. The evening heated up when Russ the locations guy spent quite a bit of time out with us, coaxing us to yell things to the PA's and generally cause trouble. In turn, they made faces behind him and gave as good as they got.
The scene was a little more visible with a new camera angle and we could see Castiel kneeling to 'heal' the dead man that had been lying in the alley while Metatron watches. Adam, VFX, had disappeared and I noticed he was down there with Misha. The healing powers I assume are his shot. After the man is healed by Castiel, it looks like they leave him there while the police come around the corner.
Not long after we were told that they were going to move us down the other end of the alley as they were going to be filming in our direction. En masse we dispersed, about half going around one way, half going the other meeting again at the other end of the alley. The way I went had the street lined with production trucks which was very cool to see. It's funny that you don't really notice the sprawl when they are crammed in a lot at the circus but when they're lined up down the street it looks like so many trucks.
Once we arrived at the other end, we were quickly greeted by Curtis Armstrong. We were much closer to the filming so it was easy for him to wander over and chat. People got photos with him (I wasn't fast enough) and he chatted for a few minutes. He is a really nice guy, it's too bad his character is such a jerk. He had to go back to film and said he'd come back and see us again, but the night wore on and he didn't (which was fine, I know that he's busy and it's awesome he came and said hi once.) I wandered a bit and tried to stay out of the way as they moved gear in and out past the fans. The Omaha police car was still there and I took some photos of that.
Once they had set up I realized we had a great view of the monitors they were using to see the camera angles. So awesome. I'm such a geek that this stuff is right up my alley.
They did the whole scene in order again up until the cops arriving. We had a good view of the Castiel punch as well and could hear more of the dialogue because we were a lot closer. Misha came over and demonstrated an impressive water bottle chug between takes and did some chatting with the crew. Also the director started having fun with the crowd now that we were closer. He came over to instruct us that when he pointed, we were to call action. Awesome. We eagerly waited for our chance and sure enough soon picture went up and they were rolling, he pointed at us and we, as a group, called action. Oddly, this isn't the first time I've called action on a Supernatural set. Kinda proud of myself to be honest. :)

The hair and makeup ladies were sitting right near us and I was waiting for a chance to go and talk to them. I always enjoy watching them work and they do such an excellent job on the show. Right at the end of the night I had my chance where I wouldn't feel like I was bugging them. I wandered over and thanked them for their great work on the show.
The actor who was lying on the ground being dead wrapped and they applauded him as he left, a few people taking photos with him on his way by covered in blood. He seemed a little surprised by the attention. Also the guys playing the cops were still around, they were quite chatty and friendly as well.
Once they wrapped it was pretty late and they shepherded the fans across the street so that we wouldn't be in the way of all the gear coming out of the alley. I recognized the signs among us of an autograph hound. He had a really nice replica Impala that he was looking to get signed as well as a few other things on him. I knew he was looking to get Misha to sign it and whatever else he had with him. As Misha came out to get into the crew van the guy asked if he would come over and sign some stuff for us. I wasn't too happy. It'd been a long day and I totally felt like Misha had already done more than enough by meeting fans twice earlier in the day as well as in the alley but he graciously came back over to us. He said he was tired and I could tell he wanted to go. I just stood back and snapped photos as people went for autographs and photos with him. He kept saying he had to go but people still asked for more pictures and he kept saying yes. I felt terrible for him and even though part of me still would have totally gone for another photo with him, not like this, not when he wanted to go and had been so giving all day.
Can't wait for episode 11x06 to air so I can see the scenes we saw. Also I am seriously hoping that our 'Rolling, quiet please' makes it onto the gag reel. Misha's total breakdown giggle fit reaction would be great to see! :)
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