The Strumbellas have been a band just on the outside of my musical box since I picked up their free Starbucks download a little over a year ago. I liked what I heard, but just hadn't got around to it yet.
A friend of mine posted on Twitter that they were touring this area and the date for the Bellingham show. Looking into it the cost was just cover. I rounded up a couple of friends and headed down to the Green Frog in Bellingham, just about half an hour from my apartment in Canada.
First impressions of the venue were 'small', 'dark' and 'surprising'. Heading to the back we found grilled cheese and wings to order while we waited.
Taking the stage the band reminded me of Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, particularly the lead singer who had the 'dirty hippie' look about him. Coming off the end of a long tour, the band seemed less energetic then they might have been otherwise and the lead vocals a lot looser than the album. Sound was kind of an issue and from where we were it came off muddy. The crowd was small and didn't get too close to the band but they seemed to be enjoying themselves.
The set list was very much hand-clapping and foot-stomping friendly with a little country flavor, I called them the Lumineers with an extra shot of country. The bass/drums were a highlight and steady and the harmonies, when nailed, were tight and comprised of chords that aren't traditional. The lead singer hauled out and up onto a bar-height table singing a song acoustic while standing among people's beers.
The show intrigued me enough to buy their newest album 'We Still Move On Dance Floors' on vinyl as it was offered at the show. After, the band came over and hung around and I had a great chat with the bass player. He said that a crowd of 60 was good for them on this tour and they were happy with the numbers.
Coming home and listening to the vinyl made me want for more so I promptly ordered their first (limited vinyl) album online. I am looking forward to seeing this band again, preferably in a better sounding venue when they are less road weary.
Highlights: Venue size, friendly merch girl and bass player, macaroni grilled cheese, coloured vinyl (orange), singing and stomping on the bar, cheap beer.
Lowlights: Muddy sound, tired vocals, loose set, not having done enough homework (not knowing the songs)
On an aside, (here comes a rant), taking not a single thing away from the Strumbellas I find it kind of ridiculous that a band that is happy to have 60 people at a show can win a Juno award while a band that sold out shows across Canada, the USA and internationally for TWENTY YEARS spreading Canadian music was never awarded anything. The band I'm talking about is Great Big Sea and it is an absolute disgrace that they were never properly recognized in their country.
However, I am happy that the Strumbellas were nominated for a Juno for their first album, My Father and the Hunter and won for their second album, We Still Move On Dance Floors. Much congratulations to them.
Created with flickr slideshow.
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